Hogan offers an outstanding musical portrayal of Senta through her well-crafted dramatic intensity, strong vocal nuances and stirring sensitivity.

— Ostsee Zeitung

The ‘General’ Category

New York Freedom July 3rd

Saturday, July 20th, 2013


I forgot to share this with you – I always post the Freedom Tower for the 4th! Freedom 2013Sorry it’s so CLOUDY – stormy weather…


And this from LAST year…still under construction.Freedom July 3, 2012



Visiting friends

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Kelly with Roy Cornelius Kelly and Roy Corneilusafter his FIRST Otello!



Runi and SusanneWhich afforded a chance to see Runi and Susanne in Mannheim!



Kassel’s Tannhäuser!

Monday, April 29th, 2013

TannhäuserTannhäuser53TannhäuserSome UPS!  And some real downers!


New York Times Magazine

Thursday, April 4th, 2013

New York Times magazine pic

One last Rosenkavalier for the year

Wednesday, May 30th, 2012




Kassel, Germany – visiting Hercules!

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

You can hike up a “hill” (I say MOUNTAIN) and see a big green statue of Hercules and eat a terrific lunch! We enjoyed the view of Kassel and some beautiful November weather!

NFL football!

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

We found a great American-style diner called Chevy’s that served wings, burgers, and beers – and showed the NFL on the big screen! HURRAY!

More MET Walküre

Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Of the Walküre bunch, I’m center back – not Debbie, of course – who’s on her “horse” – but on the deck.
Me with Siegmund, Jonas Kaufmann Sultry, smokey makeup by amazing Jimmy Cortes!

And a candid backstage look at me and Mary Phillips right before the LIVE interview with Placido Domingo 🙂

New MET Walküre

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

“… the Valkyries, starting with Kelly Cae Hogan’s Gerhilde, were very well sung.” The Washington Post (Anne Midgette)

New York Times photos of the new Met Walküre

In partial costume – ready to rehearse!
Monsieur LePage is in the House.

Our wonderful crew prepping the stage and “the machine” for rehearsal.

And a bit of nostalgia: bowing with Mary Phillips and Wendy Bryn Harmer in front of the gold curtain after the “old” Otto Schenk production.

German Ambassador’s Residence

Thursday, February 17th, 2011

Walküre singers Enjoying the cocktail party given by the German Ambassador, Klaus Scharioth after the “Wagnerians” sang a recital for about 100 guests at his residence here in DC. My Walküre colleagues are Todd Robinson, Melissa Citro, and Erik Nelson Werner.