The debut of Kelly Cae Hogan (Turandot) was vocally outstanding and extremely convincing.

— Kieler Nachrichten


“Kelly Cae Hogan gives Salome much nuance, her delivery soft, demanding, cajoling or powerful in her attack, always mindful of the text, she maintains through the end the reserves and expansiveness to deliver the ecstasy of the final monologue with bravura.” Weser Kurier (Germany)

“In an outstanding portrayal, Kelly Cae Hogan sang Salome with the Isolde-voice demanded by Strauss, mastering the murderous requirements with a vocal thrust that never tires.” Die Welt (Germany)



“The new season at Bremer Theater could not have started better. Richard Strauss’ lascivious, biblically erotic opera Salome provided a true storm of enthusiasm… The shining star is the New Yorker Kelly Cae Hogan as the innocently charming and conniving Salome, who with her beautiful soprano voice stirs and thrills.” Bild (Germany)









Warsaw/ Japan tour

“Audience overwhelmed — enraptured by Kelly Cae Hogan’s Salome whose powerful voice truly shone.” Chunichi Shimbun (Japan)

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“Kelly Cae Hogan’s powerful soprano in the title role is the tastiest treat…soaring high over a loud orchestra, Hogan’s Salome is a vocal triumph.”  The Oregonian

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North Carolina

“Metropolitan Opera soprano Hogan delivered a fetching and frightening Salome… the fickle seductiveness, the rage at rejection, and the self-centered insanity of a young girl, with the potency and subtlety of a mature and experienced vocalist. The closing soliloquy with the head of Jokanaan was breathtaking.”  Classical Voice of North Carolina

“Kelly Cae Hogan had all the physical requirements and a voice strong enough for the many climactic moments. She was fully committed to the character, from the dance’s coy unveillings to the erotic kissing of Jokanaan’s frighteningly realistic bloody head.”  The News & Observer (Raleigh-Durham)

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Syracuse Symphony – Schluss Szene in concert

“Hogan’s voice (as Salome) was agile and powerful enough to easily surmount the enlarged Strauss orchestra. Her considerable gift for characterization was satisfying as well.”  Syracuse Post-Standard