Hogan portrays a suffering and also triumphant Senta, with a large voice that demands attention.

— Lübecker Nachtrichten


“Kelly Cae Hogan fascinates in the role of Senta; with unbelievable vocal power her clear soprano increasingly astounds with impeccable high notes through the end of the opera.”  Schweriner Volkszeitung


“Versank ich jetzt” duet

“Outstanding in this production is actress Kelly Cae Hogan as Senta. She portrays a suffering and also triumphant Senta, with a large voice that demands attention, made all the more believable for being genuine.”  Lübecker Nachtrichten


“American soprano Kelly Cae Hogan offers an outstanding musical portrayal of Senta through her well-crafted dramatic intensity, strong vocal nuances and stirring sensitivity.”  Ostsee Zeitung






Kelly Cae Hogan sings Senta