The shining star is the New Yorker Kelly Cae Hogan as the innocently charming and conniving Salome.

— Die Bild


“Highlight was North American soprano Kelly Cae Hogan who, with her beloved “Vissi d’arte” and other beautiful and difficult music, carried the evening. Act II is memorable, and Hogan handles a gamut of emotions. This is a role that few sopranos can do and she carried it off. It was, of course, Tosca’s opera, and Hogan handled it with confidence, aplomb and beautiful singing. ” Puerto Rico Daily Sun

Act 1 scene, “Non la sospiri…”


Recordings with tenor, Kip Wilborn

Photos with tenor, Rafael Davila
Tosca_act_oneTosca with CavTosca_Vittoria

Act 3 scene “il tuo sangue…”

Kelly_Tosca-1“Kelly Cae Hogan exhibited a clear, dark timbre in the middle and lower registers that rose with focused intensity to a rich, full high C. Hogan is a deeply resourceful artist who used her dramatic vocal gifts wisely, allowing the phrases to rise and fall in beautiful, expressive arches.” The News, Port St. Lucie