Kelly Cae Hogan fascinates in the role of Senta; with unbelievable vocal power her clear soprano increasingly astounds...

— Schweriner Volkszeitung

Christmas Spirit in Leeds, England

December 20th, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan


Leeds Victoria Quarter Xmas 2013Leeds decor Xmas 2013

The Portland Salome Family

November 21st, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan

Post performance. I’m the one in all the blood !!

Portland Salome Family


October 31st, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan

Back stage after curtain call !  Salome hungry






In Portland

October 20th, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan

And enjoying our free time!
Trip to the coast, here with Ros, being swallowed alive by our life vests!Me and Ros




Oregon coast sealions

Beautiful coastal Oregon!

Oregon coast



Anniversary Dinner

August 20th, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan

Joel with Teah, and…Joel with Teah






Kelly with Scott — at Gervais and Vine – FUN!Kelly with Scott

You KNOW what I’m doing this summer!

August 2nd, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan



Floating in the pool with JOEL…

Deck and pool

New York Freedom July 3rd

July 20th, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan


I forgot to share this with you – I always post the Freedom Tower for the 4th! Freedom 2013Sorry it’s so CLOUDY – stormy weather…


And this from LAST year…still under construction.Freedom July 3, 2012



Visiting friends

July 1st, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan

Kelly with Roy Cornelius Kelly and Roy Corneilusafter his FIRST Otello!



Runi and SusanneWhich afforded a chance to see Runi and Susanne in Mannheim!



Kassel’s Tannhäuser!

April 29th, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan

TannhäuserTannhäuser53TannhäuserSome UPS!  And some real downers!


New York Times Magazine

April 4th, 2013 by Kelly Cae Hogan

New York Times magazine pic