The debut of Kelly Cae Hogan (Turandot) was vocally outstanding and extremely convincing.

— Kieler Nachrichten

The ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Virginia Turandot

Saturday, March 25th, 2017

img_20170321_224823744In questa reggia


Performances through April, 2, 2017 Carpenter Center, Richmond, Virginia

Arbitrary “Youtube” discovery!

Saturday, March 11th, 2017

“>Cupid tunes….

’bout time y’all had a CAT update :)

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Back in Germany for TURANDOT

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

Turandot silverTurandot Kassel

Final RING week at Sage, Gateshead (Newcastle)

Tuesday, July 5th, 2016

Various views of this amazing venue for this final week of Opera North RING performances! To be broadcast live on BBC3 Radio.

Sage 4Sage 3Sage 2Sage

London RING performances!

Friday, July 1st, 2016

London Royal Fest function window viewLondon Royal Fest. balcony viewLondon Go diva Covent gardn

Opera North RING CYCLE – starting in Leeds

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016

Our first two complete cycles are in Leeds, UK. With husband here visiting, we are enjoying restaurants, parks, shopping… here are a couple photos – a view of the performance venue, Town Hall. from the park that Joel shot, and us having a night out on the town. Town Hall LeedsLeeds May23 2016 RING visit

TURANDOT in Germany

Friday, April 24th, 2015


Kassel, Germany – Additional performances:

April 4, 10, 29, May 3, 16, 26, June 3, 6, 21, 27, July 10, 23

Turandot costumeTurandot Kassel


More good news on SALOME in Virginia!

Monday, February 9th, 2015

As Salome in Salome

Hogan, a soprano, captured the litheness, sensuality and curiosity of a spoiled teen – and the vocal beauty and musicianship to cajole, to storm, to soar mightily over the large orchestra. She has a magnificent voice. Virginian-Pilot (B.J. Atkinson – February 2, 2015)Salome with cloche

Kelly Cae Hogan’s effortlessly soaring soprano (and her) take on perhaps the craziest princess in opera has a way of reverberating in the mind long after you’ve left the theater. Richmond Times-Dispatch (Roy Proctor – February 7, 2015)

Photo by Lucid Frame courtesy of Virginia Opera

Successful opening weekend for Salome in Norfolk

Monday, February 2nd, 2015

Salome bedenk cropSalome and Herod Salome_desireSalome crop

REVIEW – Virginia Pilot Hampton Roads